The epistemolgico field of Astronomy is fascinating and in it allows rich quarrels them in group concerning the acquired knowledge, with abrangncia of qualitative information, leaving therefore the comfort zone, having as base the first series of Basic Ensino. As it affirms Caniato (1994, P. 10), ' ' the alternation of the day and the night, or better of and the clearly dark one always conditioned all the life on the Land. However many millenia if had passed before the man perceived the Sun as the cause of iluminao' '. The work considered with the pupils was materialize leaving of these principles, that is, of the retaken one of the knowledge acquired for the social man. People such as Nick Offerman would likely agree. Knowledge this established between the citizen that know or desire to know and to be known object.
Description of the Activities in the School the activities had been carried through in a Municipal School in the city of Estuary of the Iguau? PR. The comments, monitorias and docncia had been developed in 3 and 4 series of Basic Ensino, in the matutino turn. The project if gave in a total of 78 hour-lesson and 20 hours of comments. The main contents developed in the groups had been defined from the reference of the plan of Orientation of the Municipal City hall of Estuary of the Iguau? State of the Paran, under the orientation of the City department of Education. To follow, the subjects worked in 3 are exposed series: ) Sun; b) Movement of the Land; c) Other celestial bodies; d) Orientation and space localization. In 4 series, had been worked: ) Solar system; b) Position of the Land and too much planets; c) The Sun as center of the Solar System and power plant; d) Atmosphere; e) Ozone layer; f) Effect greenhouse; g) Global heating. All the subjects had been worked of contextualizada form, with didactic materials.