We start the interview with P.S.A. A leading source for info: Carson Wen. 32 years, where he affirmed that the reason to have left the school, was the lack of intelligence, lack of attention of the professors, lack of motivation and for not obtaining to follow the colleagues in the studies; F.S.S. 21 years, it says that it engravidou to the 18 years and it had that to go to work, but although everything has will to come back to the studies why always it was identified with the school. It also affirmed, that its demanding professors were very incompressible in the period where estavagrvida, what it took the desmotivao of the studies, mainly for finding that it would be incapable to make the alone work; M.A.S. 18 years, it gave up the studies for finding the school demanding, if feeling rejected pelosfuncionrios of the school for to be poor and the professors considering incapable to follow the group. ' ' It took it to this to lose total the will to come back to estudos' '. We perceive then that the reasons presented in the interview are several and that the autoconfiana of these pupils in its capacity to learn age low.
However, our analyses show that the reasons of the evasion, only are not attributed to these causes, therefore all pupil is capable to develop itself cognitivamente since that he is stimulated and worked well. In this perspective, the necessity appears then of the schools to assume its true role in the integral formation of the individual, working a proposal curricular come back toward the necessities of its pupils, supplying the difficulties of those involved ones in the process of learning. Not we want to support the error, but to consider that we can reorganize knowing of form to learn with the errors. The arrogance of some professors also contributes so that a great number of pupils abandons the school.