Choices in the forms of integration to the international market take the reduction of the paper of the state, as well as the privatization of companies and public services. (IT HISSES, 2007; AMARAL, 2007, p.11.). The managemental public administration prints cultural, structural changes and of management. She demands a new to look at for the interests of the society. The public interest is the interest of the collective, the citizen is the customer of its services and its contributor of taxes. For this reason, the evaluation of the results of the actions of the State is positive if to take care of the yearnings of the citizen. This model, currently, comes being consolidated, and reveals, each time, more capable to promote the increase of the quality and the efficiency of the services offered for the public sector. 3 Public Administration in Brazil and the administrative theories the Science of the Administration appears at the beginning of century XX, as the contribution of Taylor and Fayol, through, respectively, of the scientific administration and the classic theory, with a mechanist vision, whose objective age to reach the organizacional efficiency by means of the division of the work.
The taylorismo had emphasis in the tasks, objectifying itself to increase the efficiency of the company through the specialization of the laborer. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Professor Anna Harvey and gain more knowledge.. Already the classic theory of Fayol was characterized for the emphasis in the organizacional structure, for the vision of the economic man and for the search of the maximum efficiency. The classic theory submitted the man to a strap down system, facing the man as a economic being, leading to the consuming of the system. The theory of the relations human beings appeared with the humanizao proposal of the administration, the social man, however the laborer of romantic ingenuous estereotipou and. Ahead of the necessity of a theory of the solid organization that served of orientation for the work of the administrator, he appeared, for 1940 return, the Theory of the Bureaucracy, in function of the following aspects (Chiavenato, 2000, P.