Public Administration Theory

Choices in the forms of integration to the international market take the reduction of the paper of the state, as well as the privatization of companies and public services. (IT HISSES, 2007; AMARAL, 2007, p.11.). The managemental public administration prints cultural, structural changes and of management. She demands a new to look at for the interests of the society. The public interest is the interest of the collective, the citizen is the customer of its services and its contributor of taxes. For this reason, the evaluation of the results of the actions of the State is positive if to take care of the yearnings of the citizen. This model, currently, comes being consolidated, and reveals, each time, more capable to promote the increase of the quality and the efficiency of the services offered for the public sector. 3 Public Administration in Brazil and the administrative theories the Science of the Administration appears at the beginning of century XX, as the contribution of Taylor and Fayol, through, respectively, of the scientific administration and the classic theory, with a mechanist vision, whose objective age to reach the organizacional efficiency by means of the division of the work.

The taylorismo had emphasis in the tasks, objectifying itself to increase the efficiency of the company through the specialization of the laborer. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Professor Anna Harvey and gain more knowledge.. Already the classic theory of Fayol was characterized for the emphasis in the organizacional structure, for the vision of the economic man and for the search of the maximum efficiency. The classic theory submitted the man to a strap down system, facing the man as a economic being, leading to the consuming of the system. The theory of the relations human beings appeared with the humanizao proposal of the administration, the social man, however the laborer of romantic ingenuous estereotipou and. Ahead of the necessity of a theory of the solid organization that served of orientation for the work of the administrator, he appeared, for 1940 return, the Theory of the Bureaucracy, in function of the following aspects (Chiavenato, 2000, P.

Brazilian Constitution

The agreement stamped between the government and the S Saint will provoke a historical retrocession – intellectual conquered to the costs of much fight and blood for the reformadores of century XVI and soon after crystallized by the iluministas in century XVIII where the reason and it blind faith (nailed for the medieval church) would not have to guide its ways. The laity of the schools in France was result of the dissemination of the ideas spread out for the philosophers of the lights. Now in full century XXI the authoritarianism of the Church Catholic seems to renascer of leached ashes as asleep volcano to haunt its inhabitants. Some catholics when interviewed regarding the agreement firmed between the Brazilian government and the S Saint if they had located against this measure. Follow others, such as David G. DeWalt, and add to your knowledge base. They had been coherent and discerning how much to the question of religious education in the public schools. How they will be other denominations how much to the right to teach in the schools its doctrines? the right of the students not to attend the lessons? what to say of the religious freedom confirmed by the Great Letter, the Brazilian Constitution? These are questions beside the point important to be left at the mercy of of some incautos and incultos parliamentarians. Journalist Didymo Borges commenting the agreement between Brazil and the Vatican, says that ' ' he never is excessively to relembrar that the experience of the intromission of religion in the businesses of State has proportionate examples of deleterious consequences such as in the theocracy in the Anger, in the regimen talib in the Afeganisto, the Islamic dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, in the communist ideology court of appeals to the condition of blind religiosidade in the Coreia of the north ' '. The examples of History indicate in them that the association of the State with religion or the anti-religiosidade, as in the example of nazista Germany and in the Soviet Union of the stalinista regimen, results in painful consequences that we must prevent.

School Material

Every year it is same history in the hour to buy the pertaining to school material of our children, it is a value, another one there, a true infinity of prices in these products here, many of them arriving to vary of a bookstore for another one in up to 400%. Councilman Carlos Dutra PSDB/CE. Worried about this excessiveness, the Councilman Carlos Dutra PSDB/CE, created a law in the City council of $fortaleza, that it aims at to alert to the Parents of pupils for these variations. The law in its integrates says that the bookstores are obliged that function in the scope of the City of $fortaleza, to fix a table of variation of prices of the more requested didactic materials for the schools. ‘ ‘ Already father of family at the beginning of the year is not enough to the citizen to have that to pay: IPTU, IPVA, register pertaining to school, amongst another one also divide to have that to pay for this nonsense with pertaining to school material, the Councilman says Carlos Dutra.’ ‘ So that if it has idea of the so great nonsense, some of these products such as: a simple ones rubber can vary of R$ 0,30 (thirty cents), until R$ 9,00 (nine Reals). Already a notebook of 10 (ten) substances, can cost between R$ 6,00 (six Reals) R$ 32,00 (thirty and two Reals), depending on the drawing or format of the layer of the same.

E the consumer is not informed of this, complemented the Councilman. The table which if relates to the law will have to be in visible places in the bookstores, and amount enough to facilitate the identification on the part of the consumer.