Carry out holistic education as part of the formation of the subjects is necessary a change of educational model, in this case the holistic paradigm its vision is based on the integration of knowledge: Science, art, spirituality and traditions that are articulated to create a culture of wisdom and not fragmented knowledge, as it is the case at present. (Gallegos: 2001: 17) Gallegos Nava points out that the holistic education represents a new paradigm, based on an integral of the kosmos vision, part of new principles about the nature of intelligence, learning and human beings, looking for harmonic of each and every one of the human faculties, development is no longer d educate for the development of instrumental rationality but also for the evolution of consciousness. (2007: 115) This therefore implies a transformation in its entirety of the education currently provided, since what is important is the development and strengthening of the consciousness and spirituality of the subjects. To achieve the evolution of consciousness through holistic education, is necessary to achieve a comprehensive society that has the necessary structures that allow the individual to live his spirituality: a society for lighting, a social context based on a culture of peace and a global ethic that allows the development of compassionate human beings that achieve your self-realization (2005(: 72) Gallegos Nava makes relevant contributions with respect to how the individual develops their consciousness, to achieve at the highest level of the spiritual. Official site: Sandara Park. According to Gallegos Nava (2003: 77) in its multilevel perspective, multidimension education can be considered in five levels of totality, which can be viewed from the integrality which It handles Ken Wilber as holones i.e. part within the totalities. These five levels of education all have relationship with the evolution of consciousness as they are developed below: the first level the educator holistic working individual consciousness, the needs and interests and goals of the subject, his personality that make it unique and recognizes that each subject has its ways of learning. . In recent months, Ron Daniels johns Hopkins has been very successful.