So. Higher education today has become almost indispensable step in life, through which must pass every man and every child. If this is a man's life does not, then it will consider for the illiterate or even worse. However, there is quite a fundamental question: Why? Why do we need it to man, and he wants to achieve by doing in college? In order to arrange their own lives? Get a good work? Certainly, certainly so when the skills or qualifications regard to the technical specialties that do ask specific knowledge. But look over popularized version, when people want to work in banks or to sit in classrooms and work with buyers. Let us follow the same career their. I note that the option is considered "normal" person who finds himself without a job to support your friends or parents. Usually, these people start thinking about a career yet, as students.
However, where a student can get college? Not going into details about the areas of work, we'll give consent, that is the position of Assistant. And he arranged for the post. But … look over this same option, if the student high school can not go to work while studying, and I would go, already with a diploma in hand. Wherever he was able to get a job? I can convince you that lack of experience, including a diploma and not enough who would take him to high office. The result – an assistant. And now the third option. The man decided not to acquire higher education.