Felt of History: some consideraes One of the great questionings of the pupils concerning discipline are: so that it serves to study History? Because to study the past, if the gift is what it matters? They are questions that permeiam the mentality in classroom, and independent of the doubts of these pupils and the answers of these professors it disciplines, it of History continues to exist in the resumes, in official texts and in didactic books that appear frequently and soon they enter in the ways of circulation. The curricular orientaes point that the education of History must contribute for the one formation ' ' citizen crtico' ' , giving possibilities of the pupils to think and to take a critical attitude before the society. (BITTENCOURT 2002). According to HEIFER (2005), first objective of the historical knowledge is without a doubt the understanding of the historical citizens, the desvendamento of the relations that if they establish between the human beings in different times and spaces. It is looked to point the unfoldings that if had imposed with uncurling of the actions of these citizens. For FONSECA (2003), History in all its dimensions is formative. In this context, importance of education, knowing them, the methodologies, practical and the didactic ones is distinguished it, therefore through these and added ace experiences human beings it is that we understand the ideas and action of the men and women in the time.
To reflect the education of History in the present time is to reflect above all in the formative processes that if develop in the diverse spaces. Still as FONSECA, the central paper of History the identity construction is the formation of the historical conscience of the men making possible. On the relations between education of History and construction of the citizenship, it affirms: ' ' The proposal of methodology of the history education that values the problematizao, the analysis and the critical one of the reality conceives pupils and professors as citizens that they produce history and knowledge in classroom.