This does not want to say that Scrates did not have contact with knowing of its time, or had never read treated some to philosophy; the error of the reasoning in I appraise, shared for many, is to reduce filosofar to a training in an educational institution any. It is necessary to create a philosophy system, and to possess a canonic recognition given by the time so that somebody can be considered philosopher? Perhaps certainly not, it functions in such a way between the saints catholics, who for a clerical convention, had been classified as such. In philosophy it is not thus. The philosopher does not need a endorsement of the time or an institution, or the recognition of a community to be philosopher. Let us make another silogism: To be religious I am not philosopher, I am professor of philosophy, philosopher pra me I am the David Hume! At least them it has the courage to confess that they are not philosophers, but sees the side good, if they do not know to think by themselves and if they become attached the canonic form of to make philosophy, as the theologian if becomes attached to the text of Toms Saint as an unquestioned authority, at least they are not hypocritical; dull sincere it is that they are! After all of accounts, what it is to be philosopher, if it is not necessary to possess a formal knowledge in philosophy, nor to construct a system, nor to have the endorsement of philosophical church that the canonic heading confers it of philosopher? Let us come back to our symbol occidental person of the wisdom human being, Aristotle, for who the philosophy is born of a feeling, not of an academic formation, or of a heading conferred for men, conquanto, of which feeling says Aristotle?> why? , as why everything this is there ahead of me? Or as Heidegger later will say: why exists the being on the contrary of the nothing? ; or why I must base me on an authority of the history of the philosophy when making a commentary in a philosophy lesson, if I possess rationality? To the professors of our academies, trained in Kant, or Discardings, (even though until the monkeys can be trained), recommends the new birth, not it new birth considered for Mr., to master of the law Nicodemos in chapters 3 of the room evangelho, which he is not very different, when he said: nobody can see the kingdom of God if not be born of the water and the spirit ; I would say to such dull sincere : nobody can become philosopher if not be born ahead of the astonishment of the reality, and proper thinking!