The present article through one searches qualitative, by means of a questionnaire online with the 17 (dezessete) pupils of the Course of Pedagogia EAD of the Actual Polar region of one determined university, located in the central zone of the city of New Hamburg, state of the Rio Grande Do Sul, that receives pupils from the diverse cities of the Valley of the Bells, Valley of Ca and Paranhana, in the period of December of 2011, searched to explore aspects as etria band; reason to which they had opted to modality EAD; which were its expectations in relation to methodology EAD, mainly being a course destined to the formation of professors; if already they had studied Pedagogia or another course in the actual modality; having as objective generality, to construct a profile of the pupils whom they had opted to in the distance searching an initial formation in the course of Licenciatura in Pedagogia in the modality of Education. The refined results had been enough to prove that both the presented hypotheses were true, therefore the pupils that study in modality EAD are as many people of different ages, with different histories and with an objective in common, if to form in a shorter time, with accessible value, the pupils are satisfied with its formation and cliente of that they must always search more knowledge. Word-key: EAD; initial formation of professors; course of licenciatura in pedagogia.. .
Monthly Archives: April 2019
Finding A Good Husband
As it is natural and normal – much to find a good husband. And why not abroad? There is nothing reprehensible. If it is not there, of course, need to look further. Nowadays, distance is no obstacle. After It is no secret that in our country, more women than men.
Even more so – good men. They are, of course. But all is not enough. So it turns out, this situation is often that a woman and pretty, and many others in her positive qualities, but a partner worthy of her she does not find it. Enough to pass our streets to make sure that there is a lot of the stronger sex, which is not alien to such bad habits as the abuse of alcohol, profanity, and just a cynical rudeness towards others. That poor woman mayutsya with the choice of a partner for life. And if we take into account our Slavic customs, which for generations have planted in a society such views, that if a woman does not marry before 25 years, then it is a cause for concern – as it does not stay in the old virgins! Here's the good women to give the hint: pebble is not limited to men of our country. There are others! Y Some of our girls and women, however, developed a kind of stereotypical view of marriages with foreigners marriages with foreigners.
Believe that this is not available, it is unrealistic and even patriotic. And should look at this issue with On the other hand. And then it becomes clear that it is available, and real, and not to be refused. Though, naturally, and not so easy. But efforts need to apply in any case. Little effort, a little patient waiting, a little optimism. You look, and "ice" has moved! The waiting time has not passed in vain, hopes were justified, given its search results. After all, we must not forget one important point – foreign men. not only do not mind, but even greet search , Ukrainian wives! Moreover, these men very much. Do not assume that this is a pipe dream – to find a foreign husband. Remember that these men are looking for love, want love and want to be loved. Drop the unnecessary doubt uncertainty drop, drop alarm. Know that draws attention to Russian and Ukrainian women. their exceptional beauty, their intelligence, their education, femininity. Get out of doubt! Only hope and Success!
Brazilian Cultural
For the African music is not a luxury, but a way of life, gift of the birth to the death, the plantation to the harvest. Routine activity as hunting, it fishes, food preparation invariably are carried through to the sound of musics. (BLACKSMITH, 2009, P. 5). s readers to explore varied viewpoints. Of this form, the music and other sorts of movements of the African culture had come to lull to sleep the impact caused for the new reality.
Overwhelmd, the slaves had fought to keep livings creature its rites and traditions, transmitted through the knowledge of the cultural expressions brought of the different groups and regions where they lived in the African continent. How this music afro can be cultural instrument, assisting in the education of History? Thus, the cultural movement developed by the slaves in middle of century XVI to the beginning of century XIX, was marked by the music, that represented the collective production of the groups gifts in the Brazilian colonial society. The slaves, when perceiving in its conditions, if had involved in these movements in the hope to create a pleasant environment, opposing the subjections imposed for the dominant elite, in order to keep alive the traditions of the African matrix in Brazil of its countries of origins. In agreement with August Antonio: ' ' what to consider itself as validity of the full one of the past, it only can be interpreted, in the gift as curiosidade' ' (PINSKY, 1998, p.18). The historical process where if it developed music Afro-Brazilian, would disclose for the slaves a way to preserve its traditions and a symbol of release that can be perceived in the letters of this musical sort, what it took in them to problematizar this question. The existing conflicts in the interior of the Brazilian colonial society, involving the slaves mainly, elapsed of the repressions imposed for the dominant elite to the cultural movements of music Afro-Brazilian, who was forbidden, according to speech of the time, that accepted such manifestations because they contradicted the code of effective position.
History Professor
In general way, we can summarize the quarrel of the authors in colon significant: first it would be as to teach in a multicultural society and as it would be the question of the influence of the media in the life of the pupils and the education what it implies in them in questioning of that forms to transform as much information into knowledge. In this direction, our great challenge is to think about the proposal of thematic and multicultural curricular construction, come back toward a transforming critical perspective, that goes much more beyond the reform of curricular lines of direction. It very depends on other factors, mainly of the reflection on the docncia, to rethink while educators and historians pedagogical practical ours, analyzing our actions, the daily pertaining to school and, over all, to think on our paper of citizen and our function of educator, as well as the function of the school. If you would like to know more then you should visit Campbell Soup Co. In as the text To teach History, of Maria Auxiliadora Schimidt and Marlene Cainelli, the authors bring a reflection about knowing and making descriptions in classroom, give birth of the problematizao of the predominance of the traditional trend, where education of History is based on the enfadonha repetition of the contents for the pupils, having led the same ones to have antipatia with disciplines, being unaware of the importance of the same one in its formation. According to authors, this practical is contradictory the proposal of the education of current History, what it is considered is one practical distanciada professor of the image of the professor as transmitting of knowing, therefore the professor is mediating, it offers conditions so that the pupil constructs the knowledge, becoming subject of the process. Thus, the pedagogical relation gains an approach plural, fits to the professor to give to the pupil the tools to learn to think historically, know-making, know-making-well.
Job Interviews – How To Effectively Track N
Getting a job is not only about their performance in an interview. The interview after track of what we do has a critical role in a successful job hunt. Here's how to do it effectively. On the day of the interview or at most the next day, send a thank you note to each interviewer. See more detailed opinions by reading what Kindle Direct Publishing offers on the topic.. Besides that he is willing to accept the job, mention two or three of your strengths or skills that are directly relevant to the position.
During the interview, you should know what time you plan to have a person in his place. Ask: "What time do you expect to make a decision?" That will give you an idea about how much time is involved. Schedule your follow-up based on this information. If the interviewer says he will make a decision within two to three months, does not make sense to monitor daily or weekly. Keep in mind common sense. If you were the interviewer, you would like to receive three calls a day from a candidate? Surely it will not. On the other hand, do not go overboard and not followed for any month.
Follow up with the right person. That means, talk to the decision-making. If you are following someone who has little influence on the hiring decision, you're wasting your time. Think about the type of work and the organization of orientation. "The aggression of the demand for employment and enterprise? If so, it may actually be necessary to monitor persistent way before I am extended a job offer. Never sound passive or disinterested in following up. Do not say: "I'm calling to see if they have taken a decision" Draft proactive by asking something like "I'd like to let you know that I am very interested in the job. Kindle Direct Publishing is full of insight into the issues. Is there anything I can do to help with your decision? "After a while, step back and see if the track is going to the point of absurdity. If you have continued for months without results, it may be time to cut loose and move on to other opportunities. Consider faxing polite but firm, saying it must have an answer either way so you can pursue other opportunities. And you appreciate an email or phone call to let you know what your position. If you have been rejected, make a conscious effort not to take it personally. Hiring someone for a job that involves many variables and can not control them. Instead, consider doing this. If you have developed a good relationship with an interview, call and ask if he or she would be willing to share the reasons that were not selected. I do not always tell. But sometimes, are willing to give the real reasons. And the feedback can be useful for you in your job search. Learn from them and move on. Mary Brent is an expert on job interviews and careers. His numerous articles provide value, ways of writing effective and much more.
University Austral
For the researcher and academic program of research into energy of the Faculty of physical sciences and mathematics of the University of Chile, postgraduate in the University of Paris and doctor of the University of the Sorbonne, speaking of mega projects of dams in Patagonia is talk about public policies and economic practices. HidroAysen is a project that is not necessary in Chile is your lapidary sentence on one – the most emblematic – initiatives that seek to convert to the Aysen Region in the great energy pantry of Chile. There are several principles that underlie the words who was director of the program of studies of the energy of the University Austral of Chile. Learn more about this with Kindle Direct Publishing. The first is the economic concentration of market power that would mean materialize these initiatives. If the economic concentration in the electricity sector, in the generation of electricity in Chile, is currently between a 72 and 75 per cent, with HidroAysen will happen to more than 90 percent between Colbun and Endesa.
In a society where democracy and the functioning of the market presents serious problems, particularly in the distribution of wealth, this will aggravate explains. Campbell Soup Co does not necessarily agree. Another element is the need to strengthen an optimal scenario for the advance of truly sustainable energies, as non-conventional renewables. The entry of megaprojects like these makes any possibility for renewable sources like wind, solar, biomass or wood – but with modern technologies-, small waterfalls, water resources, among others, see prevented, because they are projects that take price and sold the first years very cheap energy, to then make it. This prevents for a long time by the low apparent price of these projects, that among other types of initiatives linked to renewable, whose initial investments are high, but they have virtually zero operating expenses indicates. The issue of water also is a matter which Marquez assesses speaking of dams in Patagonia.
Country School
This is truthful case! But, let us leave of the idea to renew education from the technology and come back to the famous number of run away from the pertaining to school banks. In first place a more pleasant environment is necessary to become the school. Not with surrounding music, sound in the patio, until can! But a worthy classroom, in which, parents, professors and pupils if faith and courage interrelacionem with to reach the considered objectives. Additional information at CEO Keith McLoughlin supports this article. It is possible in full century XXI still to construct classrooms of cans? How a pupil who deferred payment precariously, if feeds badly, sleeps badly, dresses badly, has joy to study in a school of these? He is for reflecting! Taste of speaking of the professors! A great majority is not valued as it had. But if it does not want to give up the task to teach, must teach well! It cannot push with the belly this great mission! Another crucial problem in the Brazilian education is the famous relationship. While the professors if to consider superiors in relation to the pupils, will not obtain to reach its objectives.
They know that they are superior, that they know much more of what the pupil, but, lamentably, do not have to demonstrate such difference! The psychological reasons do not have to be explanados here, therefore they would take much time! They leave the competition for it are of the classroom. He demonstrates its superiority in the society where they live, in that one entorno! He does not demonstrate its better vestments, uses a uniform to finish with the nojenta competition that of pssimo example to the young, in special! We know that he is difficult! But, of this skill we will only be able to diminish the run away numbers of that they denigrem the Brazilian education. If the professors not to assume new position will not never arrive in pssima average 6.0! Let us want or not, only the professor and the pupil in classroom will be the responsible ones for the radical change of the Brazilian education. But the two, if interested parties, have this capacity! Independent of good didactic materials, rooms special, etc. etc. To the times, the parents until confuse, therefore the ones that live in the school, generally are responsible for the good pupils! It remains to the school to seduce reasonable and bad the parents to take conscience, thickening the row! The media comes proclaiming mazelas of same education from the technological equipment envoy to the schools. Therefore my conclusions are obvious: Computer, tablet, or the new technological generation do not advance that to appear and to be sent to the schools! If two more involved in education if not to acquire knowledge of that they are them springs masters for the intellectual growth of the people and that only exists school because exists professor and pupil, but that this really they become capable to diminish the statisticians who envergonham our Country and that the superior intellectuals, also make its part! They do not attempt against for my style! The ideas go appearing and repass I them to the paper he forgets before them! I only want to transmit a message, therefore education worried the Brazilian me it worries and me, more still lately!