This is truthful case! But, let us leave of the idea to renew education from the technology and come back to the famous number of run away from the pertaining to school banks. In first place a more pleasant environment is necessary to become the school. Not with surrounding music, sound in the patio, until can! But a worthy classroom, in which, parents, professors and pupils if faith and courage interrelacionem with to reach the considered objectives. Additional information at CEO Keith McLoughlin supports this article. It is possible in full century XXI still to construct classrooms of cans? How a pupil who deferred payment precariously, if feeds badly, sleeps badly, dresses badly, has joy to study in a school of these? He is for reflecting! Taste of speaking of the professors! A great majority is not valued as it had. But if it does not want to give up the task to teach, must teach well! It cannot push with the belly this great mission! Another crucial problem in the Brazilian education is the famous relationship. While the professors if to consider superiors in relation to the pupils, will not obtain to reach its objectives.
They know that they are superior, that they know much more of what the pupil, but, lamentably, do not have to demonstrate such difference! The psychological reasons do not have to be explanados here, therefore they would take much time! They leave the competition for it are of the classroom. He demonstrates its superiority in the society where they live, in that one entorno! He does not demonstrate its better vestments, uses a uniform to finish with the nojenta competition that of pssimo example to the young, in special! We know that he is difficult! But, of this skill we will only be able to diminish the run away numbers of that they denigrem the Brazilian education. If the professors not to assume new position will not never arrive in pssima average 6.0! Let us want or not, only the professor and the pupil in classroom will be the responsible ones for the radical change of the Brazilian education. But the two, if interested parties, have this capacity! Independent of good didactic materials, rooms special, etc. etc. To the times, the parents until confuse, therefore the ones that live in the school, generally are responsible for the good pupils! It remains to the school to seduce reasonable and bad the parents to take conscience, thickening the row! The media comes proclaiming mazelas of same education from the technological equipment envoy to the schools. Therefore my conclusions are obvious: Computer, tablet, or the new technological generation do not advance that to appear and to be sent to the schools! If two more involved in education if not to acquire knowledge of that they are them springs masters for the intellectual growth of the people and that only exists school because exists professor and pupil, but that this really they become capable to diminish the statisticians who envergonham our Country and that the superior intellectuals, also make its part! They do not attempt against for my style! The ideas go appearing and repass I them to the paper he forgets before them! I only want to transmit a message, therefore education worried the Brazilian me it worries and me, more still lately!