With this attitude to remove Peter of its classroom during the mathematics lessons its notes had improved significantly, but problematic one appears another: Peter now carries through mathematics with a tutor, the school would be in such a way excluding Peter? The act to remove of the room a pupil who already possesss relationship difficulties, would not be generating in it a feeling of incapacity and inferiority? This practical ' would not be a form of the school; ' camuflar' ' what exists a pupil with difficulties and that the teacher is not being capable to take care of its individualities? This would not be exclusion? According to Eglr (2004, pg 1) the manifest pertaining to school exclusion in the most diverse and perverse ways, and almost always what it is in game is the ignorance of the pupil, ahead of the standards of cientificidade of knowing pertaining to school. It excludes, then, the ones that ignore the knowledge that it values e, thus, it understands that the democratization is massificao of education, and does not create the possibility of dialogue between different epistemolgicos places, not if it opens the new knowledge that had not fit, until then, inside of it. The pertaining to school systems also are mounted from a thought that cuts the reality, that allows to divide the normal and deficient pupils in, the modalities of regular and special education in, the professors in specialists, this and that manifestation of the differences. The schools that if say worried on the special education professors and pedagogos specialized in this area count on, but all the professors of the school must be qualified to give this attendance, are unacceptable that a professor inside ignores a pupil of the classroom if basing of that school possesss other responsible people for the special education. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with film director. According to Mittler (2000), the professors of regular education consider imcompetent people to take care of to the differences in the classrooms, especially to the pupils with deficiency, therefore its specialized colleagues had always distinguished themselves for carrying through this attendance solely. We need as professors to inside assume our role of the classroom, must in them worry about all our pupils, no matter how hard he is easy and convenient it professor to ignore the existence of the pupil with learning difficulties, and friction it as ' ' badly aluno' ' , we must in them strengthen so that transmitted education reach to all, exactly that to reach some people it is necessary to rethink the form to transmit the content. while we reflect on what it would be an ideal education for pupils with necessities special, the life of Peter goes passing, and together with it its time to learn, will continue being professors in case that some of our pupils does not obtain to learn the taught content, but for that pupil this knowledge never more is perhaps recouped, today Peter is an daily pay-adolescent, but future she will be an adult and the life it goes to demand to it what another person demands of any. Then the school cannot be satisfied that Peter does not obtain to learn and simply leaves the life to pass.