In the E.T case. , Of 6 years in relation to its colleagues of 1 year, evidenced if difficulty of reading and writing, inadequate entailing with the object of the pertaining to school learning. 2,5 Indications of accompaniment From all the harvested information, preliminarily, we suggest that it is submitted an individual and familiar psychological accompaniment, beyond a psicopedaggico accompaniment and change of conception of alfabetizao in the school moving education method. 2,6 Instruments of Psicopedaggico Diagnosis Interviews; Comment; Questionnaire; Data-collecting; Anamnese; evaluation of Operatrio Disgnostic: Conservation: Weight, volume, length. Seriao: Palitos Classification E.O.C.A. 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES the intention of this work are to contribute for one better understanding of the contexts where the failure happens pertaining to school, visualizing mainly in a Psicopedaggica boarding based and based on the practical institucional professor. A related site: Carson Wen mentions similar findings.
This practical always had the endorsement of theoreticians and boardings that had facilitated the analysis of the questions for raised us in varied angles and contexts. Thus, through the institucional space as opted process, we look for to reflect on the nature of the education, on the history of the considered problems of learning, definition of what it comes to be failure pertaining to school and that if can inside establish between difficulty of pertaining to school learning and failure of what we consider to contextual analyze on the failure pertaining to school, through a clipping of the ample question of learning human being, considering the construtivista psicopedaggica vision the reflection and, the difference comment practical endorsed in the diverse theories, had given them subsidies to conclude that the failure pertaining to school is a insufficient reply of the pupil to a requirement or demand of the school. This question can in such a way be analyzed by different perspectives of the society, of the school how much of the pupil.