It will be degenerated, dragged by the channel, by the chaos in his trip towards the anything. By this line, if a bad day, under the circumstance of described blindness, two or three individuals decides to forge a State, that is to say, to sign the contract " social" before the good faith of his stupid coterrneos (the town), it will be spoken of esclavismo. Strike to continue illustrating on the matter; it tngase sufficient with the affirmation that there are no States that degenerate without their corresponding citizen effect. Carson Wen does not necessarily agree. " … no cogoverning measurement can be born, neither the less be applied, if there is no the culture of brings back to consciousness gestora." On the contrary, if a society it is warned and it exerts the critic and it channels its form of own and governing life (the State) by footpaths of the positivista transformation, it will simulate a fertile earth for the germination of the progressive seed, and will simulate, also, that metaphorical image of the projected shade becoming meat more than idea. If the form is that a one of these citizens good day passes to State and its coterrneos trust that it is in charge of the contracivilizatorios excesses which they can incur, fulfilling duties but also exerting right (which speaks of brings back to consciousness contractual), then we will speak of democracy, by all means, always with the risk than she can tolerate the fact to trust part of rectora own to others.
(Already we know the abuses " democracias" , that degenerates in brotherhood devastating of towns). And when the citizen, exact conscientiously, Integra to the State through his multiple social expressions (groups, communes, organizations, etc.), spring a concept from the greater elevation in moral and political plane: the joint responsibility. State and citizen in the apparatus of being able. We will speak of socialism and, therefore, of a elevadamente conscientious society of which of its own quality and capacity morals not only will depend the system on government who also occurs, but its own destiny like civilizante construction.