But hatred is not necessarily irrational or unusual. For some estructuralistas psychologists, to hate is reasonable, understanding such feeling as an aversion that usually focuses towards people or to the organizations who threaten the existence, or which they make suffer, or whose survival is against the own one and then a feeling, that can be individual or group, from which arises is hated to which it is against to the health and the well-being. In order to allow that a contemporary psychoanalytic theory arises from spiteful and vindictive hatred, we must clarify the distinction between spiteful and vindictive hatred and aggressive impulse, and between spiteful and vindictive hatred and rages narcisista. Additional information is available at Carson Wen. Exposed of different form, we must consider to what extent spiteful and vindictive hatred is mainly a derivative of the aggressive impulse or a product of unloading of him, as the psychology of I often maintains. Or it is spiteful and vindictive hatred better conceptualizado from the point of view of the theoreticians of the objetales relations as a result of the projective identification? Or is spiteful and vindictive hatred a fragmentation product result of the empathic faults that threaten the cohesion of self, ending at narcisista rage, as the psychologists of self have maintained? Basing the attempts of re conceptualizar spiteful and vindictive hatred in the theory of systems motivational, we watch towards fundamental plannings of ” impulse agresivo” and of ” narcisista” rages; , soon to turn around the glance in the direction of ” recompensas” of spiteful and vindictive hatred that identifies the powerful one and ubiquitous place that hating it has in the human existence, and to distinguish between ” odiar” of the common use and ” spiteful hatred and vengativo”.