It has an ambient cost for this, imensurvel for the future. It must also be remembered that after constructed, all the infrastructure, will continue to generate costs. In the one after – Pantry of World, the Coreia of the south and Japan demoliram stadiums for having economically exactly become impracticable, and already recently, in the South Africa are cogitated to appeal to the same initiative, a time that did not meet financial or club made use to pay the 4,6 million esteem annual euros for the maintenance of the enclosure for bullfighting. in this point must be inhabited a reflection. The accomplishment of such event does not return to the environment and the society what it takes off of it. In this point we are speaking of the maintenance of the same life style that elapses since the Roman Empire. To aplacar more urgent vital necessities the governing institutions launch hand the megalomanacos projects that cause fuss and ephemeral influence in the population and confuse its desires and necessities. The arguments that say that this cause makes possible workmanships of infrastructure for a country, seem to ignore the fact of that with or without event these workmanships they would have to be made and not with this intention.
It does not have more as to think about support without recognizing that way as still we live becomes incontornveis the ways fieriest-tempered desired by the ambientalistas. Our time meets leaned over so comfortably on its proper ego that nobody, not to be emudecidas voices of an irrelevant minority, atreve to ask it for the real reason to carry through an event of this transport. The Pantry of the World of soccer is the perfect consequence of a society that survives and if it keeps under the same old ideals that do not allow that the world if becomes just and igualitrio.