The confection, as the name already says, is the transformation of fabrics and meshes in parts of clothes, bed, table and bath. It is where if it all perceives the benefit of the work of science in the creation and developments of products directed to the textile market. It is asked: where science enters now? The confection has a special characteristic, therefore as a transformation industry sufficiently requires workmanship hand, each part, since its conception, obligatorily passes for diverse processes until being total ready. in each one of these processes the key for the success is the manuscript, that can be made by hands human beings, even so sufficiently developed the confection technologies, is only necessary an individual touch in each part. Considering current practical it in the confection, the main processes are the following ones: creation and estilismo, modeling, cut, would print and/or embroidering, sews and finishing.
In the department of creation and estilismo research of fashion trend is made, defining the models that will be launched. In the modeling the articles are defined to be used as well as the models that will be manufactured, it is that each part is tested e, after some archetypes there is approved for launching in the market. After the release for the modeling the parts of the collection go for the cut, between the cut and the modeling the main used technology is the automation of the molds through specific programs (CAD). When they arrive in the cut, with the maps (drawings of the incased molds taking in account width of fabrics and better exploitation of material), are mounted the enfestos that can be manual or through enfestadeira (automatic and half-automatic), after the mounted enfesto follows for the cut properly said (it can be manual, manual or automatic machine of cut), before the sewing the parts that will form the part passes for a preparation, depending on the model are directed the print, embroidering, or simply daily pay-mounted to facilitate the sewing process.