National Curricular Parameters

The professors declared that the concept and live deeply it of the morality of its pupils vine of familiar examples, of religious influences and little importance was given to the proper school in this formation. Differently of what it is used in the National Curricular Parameters of 1998, which have objective to bring new routes to the Brazilian education and considered that the ideals of the Constitution of 1988 if materialize: the universal rights of the human being, the equality between the individuals and the cultural and ethnic diversity. Also it was proposal that the school took in account the combat inaquality of social conditions, the unjust division of the income and chances when fitting to the education to legitimize such ideals, to become known them, accepted, valid and necessary. The society would be task of all to make with that ' ' such values live and if desenvolvam' ' also inside of the school (IT HISSES, s/d). The bedding of the PCNs was to think and to value an education compromised to social justice, the cultural plurality and the idea of brasilidade, idealizing a community fraterna that it lived in a continuous process of learning and searchs for equitable conditions and the recognition of each individual as citizen (HISSES, s/d).

Some considered values if do not treat to be taught according to parameters as a transmission of a tradition, but it aims at to make possible to the individuals the learning, without imposition or indoctrination, of the validity of the collective ends as the democracy and the freedom. Already the respect between the people, the honesty is part of the nature human being, and must only have conditions special to blossom as the familiar example. These values are taken as universal values that cross the cultures (IT HISSES, s/d). Thus, at the same time where the Brazilian education if decentralizes, and it opens space for the communities, values and cultural places, tries to materialize the one pedagogical work of resistance to the absolutism and the verticalizao of education, valuing the cultural diversity and the tolerance.