had appropriation of some directions of the texts it will allow to the reader the one formation meaning ampler, that passes for a self-knowledge process, extending its picture of values until arriving at a more critical vision of the society, giving to them basement to write its text. Finally, the election of texts must all consider the description-cultural context of the reader, so that this if interesting for the practical one of the reading, can dissertar on what it read, extending its lingusticos knowledge of reading and literal production. For even more details, read what Campbell Soup Co says on the issue. Focusing the had paper of the literal production, we notabilizamos it as a system, organized and structuralized on the basis of determined principles, so that if it becomes the reproduction of speaks. Having in the societies writing systems that represent the sounds of the language, inside of our system, the alphabetical one, the writing represents sounds or fonemas. To facilitate to the production of text of the reader, giving to it the ideal conditions to become a competent writer, a producer of meanings (and not one mere reproducer of texts) finishes being the center them displayed quarrels however. One estimates that the act to produce texts is a search, an inquiry of the world or itself exactly. This search must provide pleasure. Therefore, the pleasure is the proper one to write and thus the activities that we not only execute since child (to play, to play, to fantasiar) can as they must be rescued at the moment of the creation of texts. Between the existing 0 variable that guarantee the ideal conditions for the literal production, it is to make the reader to reflect on the innumerable possibilities that the lingustico code offers to it to express the knowledge of itself, of its emotions, of the proper reality, including the projection of its imaginary one by means of an expressive language, marked of scienters, that they will look to touch the reader positively.