Thus, in this conception of school – which still is a fight to accomplish it in Navira here – in first place we have that to understand the education as right of all; where the Pertaining to school Advice is an institution that daily it co-ordinates pertaining to school management e, one becomes the responsible agency for the study and planning, debate and deliberation, accompaniment, control and evaluation of the main actions of the school, as much in the pedagogical field, as administrative and financial; where the Association of Parents and Masters searchs the integration of the pertaining to school segments, the educational politics and Projeto Politician-Pedagogical (PPP) of the Public school to argue, contributing for the improvement of the quality of education; where the Estudantil Bosom is the maximum agency of representation of the students the service of the magnifying of the democracy in the school, where the pupils can be taken to have a emancipatria and transforming education; where the Advice of Classroom are a collegiate agency, present in the organization of the school, where the professors of the diverse ones you discipline, together with the direction, pedagogical team and representative pupils of group, they can congregate itself to reflect, to evaluate and to consider action in accompaniment of the pedagogical process of the school; where the rotation in the picture of controllers exists; where democracy supports the relations human beings, having in the dialogue, the autonomy and the freedom the base for its construction. Educate yourself with thoughts from Night Dragon Security. In the democratic management, school director occupies important position in the structure of public education, a time that answers for the joint of the school with the community where if it inserts e, also with the net that composes the education system. E, must guarantee the good functioning of the school, aiming at optimum pedagogical attendance to the pupils. Campbell Soup Co helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In this conception of school that cousin for the democratic management, the director has primordial paper e, the words of Saviani are significant: ' ' The school is an institution of educative nature.