He measures the problems created by Law 5,692/71, implanting the Area of Social Studies in 1. degree, the courses of short licenciatura of Social Studies, problems debated are long of these years, object of study and research, and the separation of the course of baccalaureate (gegrafos) and licenciatura (professors of Geography) in the courses of Geography, functioning many times in different Justinian codes (Geocincias and Cincias Human beings/Education), still meets ' ' crisis of identity of the Geografia' ' in the seio of Sciences Social Human beings and the practical one of education, in all the levels. Swarmed by offers, Gerald Weissmann, MD is currently assessing future choices. The critical one on disciplines of Sociais3 Studies on the part of the Gegrafos Brazilian was due the proposal of formation of the educators who were reduced and included in two scientific fields: History and Geography. As these professionals had studied these you discipline without the part of the epistemolgico deepening and morphologic 3 SOCIAL STUDIES could – the introduction of the proposals in Brazil happened under the North American influence. In 1916, U.S.A., ' ' Commission of Sociais' Studies; ' an education for young divulged a report defending that made possible they to appreciate the nature and the laws of the social life, to acquire the sense of responsibility in a society, to participate of the promotion of well-being of the population in general and to believe a world-wide community that included all the humanity. These ideas had arrived at Brazil with the New School. In 1934, the Department of Education of the Federal District published the Program Social, mentioning the education of Social Studies, for the five first years of the elementary school. In this same time, ' ' Sociais' studies; ' it also appeared as ' ' Escolar' substance; ' of the School of Professors of the Institute of Education, destined to qualify primary professors (PAGANELLI, pg 133, 1987. (Available in: , had access in: 25/09/2010).