When observing the institution school and the family, considering its differences and similarities, understanding them under the dense look of the culture, take in consideration the citizens, men and women, while social and historical citizens, operating gifts and in the history of the society, so arraigada of dividers of classrooms, that constantly separate the men of the natural condition of equality. Ahead of such reality, the school, while instrument of the education, faces great challenges, how much to the actions that promote. The family is daily and historical partner-cultural space in the socialization process, if she relates with the education institutions, becoming cradle of attitudes, as well as of changes, or stagnation, of the reality in which she inserts it to the society, therefore she is of them that they break the social citizens that will go to keep, or to move, itself proper e, consequently, the reality where they are inserted. In recent months, KDP has been very successful. Destarte, a relation school-family, developed in responsible and compromised way with the advance of the society, it is crucial for the evolution of the education of a country. The 2 HISTORIOGRAFIA OF the BRAZILIAN FAMILY, FROM ASPECTS SCIO-EDUCACIONAIS the society formed for antagonistic relations, composed for widely differentiated classrooms, are resulted of intense description-social transformations that had affected the institutions closely, amongst them the family, as well as the involved, dependent citizens of it. The history of the Brazilian family is understood, when of the comment of the colonial period following tracejo of a secular line until the current days. Others who may share this opinion include Kindle Direct Publishing. A variety that has that to be considered in the analysis of transformations of this institution, as well as of the study of the characteristics constitute that it. A priori, two aspects are standed out, when of the analysis of such history: the first one, says respect to the fact of that the models of the social institutions, amongst them the family, as well as the way as these if they locate, they are the consequence of the picture in the society in which they are inserted, taking in consideration the partner-economic transformations, involved cultural politics and.. .