Self-communication of students is conducted under the supervision of a teacher who is totally different from teachers in schools and universities. All of our teachers undergo special training – language and methodological. Experience using this technique has more than ten years. It is especially important that the very method of teaching language, modified by accordance with the technical training, based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, is used around the world.
In this regard, we are able to use and constantly exchange experiences with colleagues from America, Britain, the Czech Republic and other countries. One of the key moments of our teaching is the trusting cooperation, which is not built according to the scheme teacher – pupil, and on principle – the more experienced and less experienced partner. K each student, we try to carry out an individual approach, taking into account the peculiarities of his character, ability to perceive the material and, of course, the level of training, from which he comes to us. Impermissible for each of our teachers is when a student feels uncomfortable due to the fact that he was something could not understand. We are closely monitoring the learning process, weekly polling of students, taking into account their suggestions and complaints. Additional information is available at Campbell Soup Co. If a student begins to feel "off" from teaching, he has the opportunity to go one level higher or lower, to begin to engage with the teacher individually, or catch up with him several missed classes.
Attention, expectation from the student of the real, effective results – is the creative credo of all our teachers. For other opinions and approaches, find out what film director has to say. A friendly, relaxed, easy atmosphere that promotes communication and helps solve the problem of the many who know English, but not knowing how to speak it. This problem is popularly called – to be able to talk. Above you should not be a strict teacher with a pointer and a teacher is not waved in your face student's record-book. We remove the main complex, thereby preventing the people to speak – the fear of mistakes and look at this slow learners. "Talk, talk, talk" – that is the leitmotif of the course English as a Second Language. Constant practice in the use of new learned words and grammatical constructions eventually breaks through even the most solid barrier, which prevents you speak. Of course, all courses are not a panacea in the study of language. Your nominal presence in the classroom did not excludes certain amount of effort and in the classroom and at home. We strongly encourage students to do homework, because, following this recommendation, they will be able to firmly secure the material, which is actively working on lesson. Starting to learn the language to any courses, you must clearly represent yourself, why you do it. Formed goal – half the battle, we can only gain strength, courage to go to her, and then the new world opportunities joyfully open before you!