A study of case in the State School of Basic Education and Average Lordo Professor? Picu PB. The teaching of history in critical perspective; it marries study in State school middle and high school Teacher Lordo? Picu PB. *Rosinalva Appeared Martins de Oliveira SUMMARY the education of History during much time had a character determined for the traditionalism that took the pupil to limit its knowledge to the great events of histories politics and to the heroic facts. This type of education implies in the concern not to create questionings and nor to debate the contents studied in classroom, preventing of this form, a critical positioning and the formularization of a history? problem. The starting point of this work is, in first place, to identify the different methodologies used for the professors, in the education of History.
For this, we look for to make a study of case in the State School of Average Education Lordo Professor, located in the city of Picu PB for the same one to be reference in average education and to be the only public school of the region to gain a prize international. See more detailed opinions by reading what Richard Linklater offers on the topic.. The complexity of the study in them leads to an analysis exercise using different metodolgicos procedures, such as: bibliographical revision of specialized literature, also considering the reflexivas literature of the area of History, interviews, comments, and sessions, making possible to clarificar the construction and reconstruction of the thought during the process education learning. We wait with the results, to point a theoretical deepening with more intensity, that is, a proposal to improve the practical pertaining to school in the education of History, as much in the school as in a generalized manner. Although a speech exists that the majority of the professors in its practical professor has as base the critical reflection, we know that limitations as for the practical one in classroom exist.