Practical its was very criticized and in many schools this service left to exist, exactly appearing in LDBs older as a specific legislation, implementing the Educational Orientation, its attributes and formation. The extinguishing of the position of the Educational Orientation is happening at this moment in many cities, in some Brazilian states, as it is the case of the city of Saint Maria, in the Rio Grande Do Sul, that in its plan of career alone foresees the professor position. The legal aspect of the formation of the educational person who orientates and its plan of career, the fact of, at this moment to be completing a circle of quarrels, next to Secretariat of Education of the City of Maria/RS Saint for the regulation of this function, the fact of in this city the position of Educational Person who orientates to have been extinct; the necessity of evidence of formation in this area to assume this function inside of the school, as well as the requirement of alicerada practical one in based and well compromised theories with the ethics, the construction of the citizenship and the mediation of the dialogue it enters all the sectors of the pertaining to school community, come back toward the development of the pupil, in way to guarantee the space of performance of this professional in the school, became the object of this study. Being, therefore, the objective of this study to pontuar the presence of the Educational Orientation in the school under the light of the legislation and, more specifically, to ressignificar the practical one of the Educational Person who orientates, from adjusted formation, so that this if becomes a basic partner in the improvement of the process teach-learning. Therefore, it urges to prove the importance of the Educational Orientation and the relevance of its performance in the school, as well as its formation must specific and be qualified to deal with the conflicts of relations between all the actors of the educational scene, to propitiate the reflection of values capable to mobilize pupils to assume its choices, to modify its attitudes and to conquer its citizenship. .