Of origin of a family of noblemen, Toms de Aquino was born in 1224, close to the city to Aquino, in the kingdom of Sicily, currently part of Italy, in 1939, in Naples, studied liberal arts entering 1244 in the Order of the Dominican ones, in the following years, faithful its religious belief, in 1252 if it formed in theology and it lecionou during three years in Paris, returning Italy, was nominated professor of the pontifical bar of Rome. Lecionou during years in some Italian cities, one decade later, returns Paris, where leciona ties 1273, to follow part for Naples, where it reorganized superior education, already in 1274 in a trip, adoece, during this trip falece in the cisterciense monastery of Fossanova, to the 49 years of age. You take by Aquino was a personality that had the vocation that it reached the totality of the life, Toms grows when it teaches and teaches when it grows, its first bigrafo insistently says of that it dragged the students with its new style to give lessons, to argue, to reflect, to answer, etc. This Philosopher inverted priorities in medieval thought, giving emphasis to the real world and the learning for the reasoning. Its methodology as professor was so fixed that Toms had that to defend the possibility of a religious one dedicating the studies and the docncia to it and to show that the practical one of education is one of the forms more raised of the life spiritual, in total harmony with the life of contemplations, as in this its phrase: ' ' Maius est illuminare quam lucere' ': ' ' To illuminate is more than what to have light! ' '. Toms was known as one of the biggest medieval philosophers. For many and also one of the best ones interprets of Aristotle in the Average Age. Inside of the Church, it is considered, to the side of Saint Augustin, the most shining Doctor of the Christian Truth of all the times. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Kindle Direct Publishing.