Consider and don’t overlook the evidence that you and no one but you is responsible for his actions and not be attentive There is the possibility of being instrumentalized, manipulated, conditioned, dependent, imprisoned in man-made illusions, in the power of the selves that has created and everything that causes conflict. Added Peck, who face a problem voluntarily and early, before they see us compelled by circumstances, means discarding something pleasant or less painful to engage in something more painful. It means deciding now suffer with the hope of a future satisfaction rather than continue delivering us to the present satisfaction with the hope that suffering is not necessary. He says, he says, that while capital deny the problems not be resolved ever will go beyond the first step, not even with the help of all the psychotherapy in the world. We must therefore, be constantly investigating us, observing us, evaluating objectively our behavior on the interrelations with others and especially with our higher self.
To avoid all that which we originated and leads us to create problems, disharmonic situations, imbalance that alters our behavior in pro of being increasingly better and more authentic, assertive, and with a high level of self-esteem. Buddha as saying, that life is suffering, and since then, this cannot be denied, hence, those who pass by this dimension perishable, illusory, shapes are aware of this truth and more still when we realize our role and conflicts in this turbulent scenario. Scout Peck once more invited us reflect, that when we realize realize that life is difficult – once you have understood and accepted really – it isn’t difficult, because once he accepts it is the truth, the difficulty of life and doesn’t matter, by contrast, must work in not fall, nor cause problems preventing us to enjoy it. Go to film director for more information. Hence, it should not surprise us that most people do not understand fully the idea that life is difficult. However, they are complaining, noisy or subtly, the enormity of their problems, the burden and all their difficulties, as well as the great harm that originate especially about it or about his family, his society, nation or race, and not on others, we do not want to surprise inatentos, conformists, originadotes of disharmony and situations that prevent that we are happy.
It cannot be denied, that problems such as appointment Perk. They originate in us frustration, pain, sadness, melancholy, feelings of loneliness or of guilt, anger, fear, anguish, anxiety, despair, hatred, seriously affecting us and are so unpleasant that sometimes they are stronger than any physical pain. . Precisely because of the pain that the events or conflicts produce – where many times we are guilty for not being attentive – we call them problems. The problems foster our value and our wisdom. Only because of the problems we mature mentally and spiritually. Benjamin Franklin noted: what hurts teaches. Therefore, judicious people, far from having problems, face a good degree and accept the suffering that behave. Whether you are an of them, not be of up.