Thinking society, we think education and factors that influence the communications between the human beings. As future arteeducadores the concern with the form to transmit, to mediate or to integrate the knowledge in the nets of thoughts of the pupils is urgent. To understand the importance of sociology for the education is to search subsidies to contribute for an education with quality through our attitudes in relation to the classroom, our intellectual and social behavior in relation to the ansiedades and the way where these pupils if find inserted. A powerful tool to face a competitive world and to inside conquer our space of a different society. When perceiving the society that we are part, we perceive in them as pertaining to the world.
The sociologists who we study in them show that social inaqualities exist, that the actions human beings form groups, and these groups possess rules. Bauman is considered one of it leads of the call humanistic sociology. Initially it was filiou the marxism, and made hard criticizes the Polish government. The world it can be different and better of what it is. Bauman the reflections on the condition of the world of liquid modernity approach subjects focused in the daily life. Everything is temporary, the consumption idealizes this circumstance.
In the Parasitic Capitalism Bauman it aborts the growth of the consumption and its consequences. What it is to be parasite? In biology the parasite and the organism that survives sucking the essence of another being. We are numbers in the statistics of some company, and stimulated to consume each time more. We are being sucked and feeding an imperceptible monster. This context I believe that only with the education it will be possible to brighten up this picture, even so knows that the situation if finds in well high levels of pressure, and to try to regredir will not be easy task.