
It would be enough to feed a maturation process and the individual aptitudes, in promptitude state, would guide the behavior of the citizen. This chain of thought still today is particularly strong in the infantile education, subsidizing conceptions of that the education of infancy would only involve to water the small seeds so that these unclasp its aptitudes. Other explicativas chains, in contrast, have asseverado that the environment is the main element of determination of the human development. According to them, the man has plastidade to adapt it different situations of existences, learning new behaviors, since that favorable conditions are given to it. In the infantile education such conception promoted the creation of many programs of intervention on daily and the learning of the child, in precocious ages each time. However, this vision minimizes the initiative of the proper citizen and also the fact of the reactions of the diverse citizens submitted to the pressures of one same social environment not to be similar. To answer to the impasse created by the preceding positions, a chain appeared in psychology that advocates the existence of a relation of reciprocal constitution between individual and way, the interacionista source. According to Oliveira (2002, P. Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ brings even more insight to the discussion.

126), the human development does not elapse of the isolated action of genetic factors that search conditions for its matureness nor of ambient factors that act on the organism, controlling its behavior. It elapses, before, of the reciprocal exchanges that if establish during all life between individual and way, each aspect influencing on the other. As all alive organism, the human being enrolls itself in such a way in a conditional line of development for the biocomportamental equipment of the species how much for the operation of general mechanisms of interaction with the way. The child when constituting its half one, attributing to it each definitive moment to it meaning, the child is for consisting it; she adopts cultural forms of action that transform its way to express themselves, to think, to act and to feel, that is, its performance, through the body, with its representations.