These actions require the mastery of skills inherent to them. As he asserts Burt (2003), managers rather than develop the career in a single company, they tend to climb to pass from one to another, rather than climb the ladder into one company. In summary, the managerial skills are the essential capabilities that the Executive must develop under globalization times living, new forms of organization, production, work, do business, humanism and new technologies. (Bravo, 2002:pag. ix) In addition to the foregoing, technological innovation requires new forms of work and new skills, modernity reiterates the use of digital technology to ride the wave in order to achieve their permanence in time. Therefore, the blog converge 2 important terms in the business world led to the audiovisual media, the managerial skills and digital television, since the more dream word on television is digital, term that will revolutionize the modern concept of television.
Following on this matter, Zettl (2000) expresses that many are the benefits that are obtained from an analog to a digital signal, since the quality of image and sound, compatibility and flexibility with the computerized systems, the transport of the signal, compression and even digital television format produces images and sounds of superior quality that allows to work with multiple generations of a same tapepractically without showing deterioration of image or sound. Also, it provides great flexibility to manipulate and create images and allows the compression of information to achieve efficient transport and storage. Best of all is that the digital signal can be transferred directly to a computer without having to scan, this compatibility allows the realization of special effects and computer-generated imagery and of course with the help of the Internet, we can count on digital television via online. Bravo references Padilla, Tonatiuh i. 2006. Author of the presentation of the work skills of Madrigal Torres, Berta Emilia (2002). P. ix.
Rector Centro Universitario de Ciencias economic administrative University of Guadalajara. Burt, VickKy. 2003 How to assess and improve their management skills.