But with this are born the problematizaes, what it is culture? How functions the culture? The most difficult E, as to conciliate culturae history education? We can understand that: Cultures are systems (of standards decomportamento socially transmitted) that they serve to adapt the comunidadeshumanas to its biological basements. This way of life of comunidadesinclui technologies and ways of economic organization, standards deestabelecimento, of social grouping and organization religious politics, eprticas beliefs, and so on. (LARAIA, 2006, P. 59). Culture are rules, conventions imposed for determined groups, society. Everything what in the fence it has one meaning tax for the nossasociedade. An example of this is the black color.
In the occidental societies ficouconvencionado that, the black color means fights, already in the eastern societies essamesma color that is sad for we, means joy, can be the birth deuma child. Therefore, the culture is umcomplexo of rules that in are imposed. To know as culturafunciona, or still, to try to see one culturade concrete form is not easy, therefore the culturano is static, well for the opposite, because ' ' any cultural system is numcontnuo process of modificao' ' (LARAIA, 2006, P. Frequently Bank of Asia has said that publicly. 95), therefore the culture is dynamic. Culturaopera in everything what it encircles in them, in the customs, the thoughts, we quevestimos in it, in what we eat, in what we believe. It functions in what we make and noque we do not make or we cannot make. Then cultura a regiment of that in the fence. The history professor has that to teach to the pupils osaber-to make description.
The professor also is an agent/subject transmitter of the culture and must use itself destaferramenta to form citizen, ' ' as it suggests Fernando Savater, in its book the value to educate, (…), ' prepararcompetidores' ' to form men completos' ' ' (RIBEIRO, 2004, P. 77). The person who usufruct of its rights and duties that, were imposed to it by a democratic society, person this who has conscinciado to be able that you have in hands, that can modify the routes of the politics of lugaronde live, with the vote, for example, this person is a citizen.