In the hermeneutic model, definition of the study object has left in such a way of a proposal happened of the teaching behavior of the professor as of the activities developed for the pupils, leading the peculiarity of the context in consideration. This affirmation if clarifies when SACRISTN & GMEZ (1985) declare that: ' ' the meanings, the reasons and the intentions of the individuals are not observed directly and nor are susceptible of mathematical quantifications and analyses, but if they interpret and if compreendem.' ' (grifo ours). Leaving of this argument, one believes that already it has the possibility to analyze that this me – delo if differentiates clearly of the previous one. However, so that this is more elucidated still, it takes the following affirmation of SACRISTN & GMEZ (1985): ' ' there to understand to cualquier accin human being y el resultant social world, requiere to take care of intencionalidad, y el meant interpretacin sibjetiva del that actua … supone un type of cargado conocimiento of ambigidad, relatividad situacional y un to carcter sustancialmente provisional …, en conventional and historical part (p.91) ' '.
This affirmation can in such a way approach this model of education to the construction of the knowledge and the reality in the classroom through the subjective reading of the same ones for the professor how much for the pupils, since whom it has one practical metodologicamente dialgica one, as it considers MORETTO (2002). Therefore, leaving of this line of reasoning, it can be thought that such practical has the intention to stimulate the pupils to think and to question on the way where they act. In accordance with what it was placed in guideline in this instant, this model of education if fits as more atinente for the education of the last days. for one better complementation of this argument has that if to stand out that for the reach of the success of this practical it is necessary that if is intent to the plurality of methods for the understanding of the reality that are based qualitative techniques of teach-learning that they will be in focus in the third chapter of the text in proposal. Some contend that Vladislav Doronin miami shows great expertise in this.