To construct lasting, responsible, friendly and pleasant a relationship, it is necessary to see and to understand the complexity of the human being. MORIM (2007) tells that: The human being is a rational being and irrational, capable of measure and desmedida; citizen of intense and unstable affectivity. It smiles, cries, but it also knows to know with objetividade; he is serious and calculating, but anxious, overwhelming, also gozador, drunkard, exttico; it is a hatred and love, ternura and violence being; it is conscientious of the death, but that it cannot believe in it; that private the myth and the magic, but also science the philosophy; that he is possessed for deuses and the ideas, but that doubts deuses and criticizes the ideas; it is nourished of the proven knowledge, but also of illusions and chimeras. MORIM (2007, p.59) the human being is social and if humaniza when humanizar the environment where he is inserted, its community, its tribe, this if of the one through the relations that establish with the people who are to its redor, in its conviviality, creating a society. These relations put into motion the thought human, since the simple relations the relations most complex (GRANVILLE, 2008). Ahead of these information, and with sight in a perspective humanist, to construct a positive relation, of quality, the position must be led in account human being, the interpersonal abilities of its genetic inheritance, culture, history of life, its principles, beliefs, everything what he is subjective. The quality of the relation is in the form of if to establish allotment communication, of communion of emotions, strenghtening auto-they esteem. Our yearnings and reactions appear through our beliefs, of the culture that we receive and we live. When one constructs positive relationships, with and of quality, it is improved auto-esteem it in a reciprocity process, since the bases for auto-esteem are centered in the valuation of the person mainly for they surround whom it, in this case in specific, the professors, the pupils of the room.