One can also imagine that "suddenly the well-established" an anomalous zone of high pressure on Russia will make a real situation, when the winter snow is not questioned "because of his absence. And this creates the risk that the agricultural industry will suffer serious losses (perish winter crops of grain, vymerznut fruit trees, an unenviable fate awaits the cattle, etc.), and Russia will be forced to buy genetically modified foods, thanks to which we in two generations die out as the Indians poisoned "caring" colonizers alcohol. So after all the possible troubles that may occur with Russia, the rating of its leadership will be extremely low, and the situation can be characterized as a revolutionary. Conditions are created for implementation of one stage of the western project – the cutoff of "elite" with the transfer of ownership accidents in the hands of Western "partners." To replace one "elite" comes another – more docile and controlled, the error vector Control which subsequently guaranteed not to go beyond its intended scope. Needless to say, that such changes will not do Russia any good. More info: Nike. Harvard Project will be carried out "one hundred" (in its detailed design dubbed "The Houston Project"). But it is in the long run. In the near awaits us next combination. Popular discontent, as I already mentioned above, will affect the n-resident and part of the Government, which by virtue of objective reasons (primarily – because of managerial incompetence, deftly able to redirect financial flows "effective management" as the events of "hot summer of 2010") can not cope with multiple problems throughout Russia in the winter.