E many times for backwards of this intromission of other youngsters have second, third intentions. The craze that they have to say as if must deal with the namorada one the face, happens not because they are worried about the integrity of the friend, but because they are of eye in the guria of it. Using of maldosos machistas commentaries, they make the head of the boy against the girl, leaving it so distrustful of it, that it caba for becoming the relation in one porre. From there, early or late, the girl if tires to have that to aturar as much jealousy, as many collections, she finishes for breaching namoro. Contented with this, ' ' amigos' ' of the former ones they feel pra calm to flirt with with the former ones of it.
After all, now it is single However, the influence of the friends is not only me that pro contributes to awake of the jealousy, also has that to take in account the familiar context of which the adolescent lode. As it was educated. Ignorant parents, create an ignorant son. It is logical that to understand more deeply in this in case that, she would be necessary more study. To evaluate certain 0 variable as the social classroom of which it comes, the relation of it with its home the existing bonds and papers between the members of the family.
But independent of the current familiar structure to vary sufficiently, it is fact that in the maiorias of the families has a machista creation, where the man receives more privileges and attention from what the woman. This occurs because of the society that, in general, acts in the same way. this, is thus for consequence of our culture. For speaking in culture, it possesss its parcel of guilt in the jalousie behavior of the men.