When analyzing the texts, are observed that it exists in practical pedagogical a dualidade that influences the history education directly. Of a side a culture meets etnocntrica entailed the formal contents that if identify with the ruling class; of the other, the culture of one parcels out – seen as insignificant, camouflaged in the interior of the schools and the resumes. Recently Chip Bergh sought to clarify these questions. For Laville, while in the majority of the countries if it says that the objective of the education of history is to develop in the pupils the capacities of that the necessary citizen to participate of the society in independent and reflected way, the education of history, still is, many times, reduced to a closed narrative, destined to mold the consciences and to dictate to the obligations and the behaviors for with the nation. (1999, p.135) Exactly presenting an image of relative neutrality to such questionings, the speech found in the history lessons has intensified the production and reproduction of individuals that many times know only the speech of the classroom dominant; exactly possessing of a universe of knowledge, the pupils find in the school a total different world of its world of street, ‘ ‘ history invariably presents as something external to the pupil, something exotic or as spectacle, that respeito’ does not say to it; ‘ (Stephanou, p.20). The content programmarian established in the history education if has directed to a eurocntrica and monocultural vision. As example, in the education of history in Brazil, to if approaching the study of Brazilian history, the presence of the indians in the process of conquest of this territory total is ignored, as well as all the form of violence and cruelty practised against this group, giving importance only to the fond moment of of the Portuguese, engrandecendo the paper of the colonizador, ‘ ‘ man branco’ ‘ as only responsible for the occupation and the conquest of this territory. The traditional methods have been widely questioned.
The taken root didactic books in the practical insufficient pertaining to school are had that are if showing questionable with regard to the contents, prevailing the elaborated, stuffed packages of ideological standards, as well as of particular interests of the education institutions, denying the voices, the experiences and histories, thus reducing the teach-learning to the transmission and imposition of information. The historical knowledge to the taught being must surpass the organization forms that have prevailed in the society, of linear and chronological character, searching proposals of resumes and programs that do not confer history the status of absolute truth, but that it allows the individual to adopt a critical position front to the knowledge developed in room, making possible to the pupils to reflect in critical way on the reality encircles that them, as well as all its historical context, debating the contradictions, changes, conflicts and transposing the given explanations as only and partial.