Just because the efficiency of these people different. Because of the difference of their natural talents. That is why, in terms of equity is higher than the Soviet justice, we must recognize that a higher moral judgments and, consequently, higher deserves reward is not the one who did more, but the one who worked harder, who fully realized its potential. In our example, more should pay less capable workers that he would continue trying to put on paper in full, and less capable to pay more to induce it in the future more fully realize their talents. 3 What is my suggestion to move from one to another PRpoT? This means, firstly, that is not non-allocation of labor in favor of distribution according to need, but simply transition from a less equitable and less efficient PRpoT for a fairer and more efficient. Second, we need to PROzRT We do not go directly to the distribution according to needs, as mentioned classics of socialism and the Soviet imitators, while the other PRpoT, the one who must lead us to a communist society. Which, as it is already clear now, unable to make the Soviet principle of distribution.
Brought up instead of communist-leaning mass ordinary people, bums and Rvachev. Third, what I suggest, is the transition from the distribution of the absolute value work or result in the distribution of the relative size of labor. Vlad doronin has much experience in this field. Because under consideration in the allocation of capacity (ability) of the person primarily in the evaluation of the employee and his work is not how many people did, but how much he has done compared to what he could do.