We are you no longer delivered. The emotional voice loses its power. Alfons Breu made good experiences as a coach to increase mindfulness with daily writing down action-oriented goals. Action orientation is the ability to focus on steps that lead to the goal. Alfons Breu recommends following these five simple steps: focus on specific, targeted activities. What measures lead you to success in this area? Describe the steps and formulate your effective target.
The desired results are not listed here. The differences between the result – and action-oriented goals are daunting. Let’s each with completely different eyes see the world. Action-oriented goals strengthen our facts and driving force, results-oriented objectives, however, paralyze us. Action-oriented targets for someone who are prepared a day before his company prepare for example flow well”, carefully researching facts” and presentation samples with colleagues”. (As opposed to Richard Linklater). “” Result-oriented objectives were, however, impressive lecture “and the Chief in composition”.
Set daily and weekly goals. Short-term goals are you the path that leads to achieving your long-term goals, and they serve as a yardstick for the progress you make it. Be aware of your long-term goal is first of all and then backward roll up the route. If you want to buy a car for example in one year and therefore need 25,000, how much money must you create every week on the page? Prefer to pull your goals too low. Why is it more later to create the benchmark targets? Because it leverages a basic principle of the human being so. We be more effort to achieve something which is out of our reach. If you challenge yourself out with a lofty goal, you try harder and achieve even more. In addition, the inner satisfaction that you feel after such a feat of strength, is also a lot bigger. Formulate She are your goals clear and positive. Describe your action-oriented goals as precisely and clearly as possible, use the I-form and avoid negative formulas. If you focus on losing any customers in the last quarter of the year, exactly this happens. You should prefer ways to solve the problem instead of mould use. This could for example be: I will cut the response time to customer complaints in the last quarter to 50 percent. This objective will significantly help to bind customers to your company. Get regular feedback about your services. Feedback about your performance level are very important for your objective. You say something about the current level of performance, so that you can make necessary changes if necessary. To strengthen confidence, if you get a positive feedback. And they are motivating. If you compare the own progress with the targets, determine that you are even more more tiring coming closer to the goal. “” For more information to strategic and human, in the articles of good intentions into action implement “and the power of the inner voices”. Alfons Breu Alfons Breu advises companies in B2B sales, customer loyalty and new business since 1992. In 2000, he founded the b2b coach GmbH & co. KG. The company implements sustainable customer loyalty and new business programmes in the customer master. The services include consulting and implementation. The b2b network has two locations in Austria and two locations in Upper Bavaria.