My vision of life is completely holistic, thus I live, perfecting it every day one of my weaknesses is the great love, devotion and surrender to the spirituality that coupled with another weakness, being alone, leads me to periods of isolation, very enriching and giving greater stability to my emotional life, but is that I must not forget that the lifealso outside and needed to be in it. The priorities of life, currently are: end of formal studies that I’m doing, i.e. the master and diploma, restart on its own and in more formal, disciplined and background, clinical practice in holistic health, obviously, from the continuity of my spiritual development, re-reading the texts of the mastery until you achieve an excellent command of the teorica-metodologica partalong with continuing talks to professors, students and anyone interested in holistic education. I must clarify that the primary purpose of learn well this approach is by the order that has given me throughout the mastery, mental clarity, the way in which has helped me to integrate all the knowledge that was, as it has enriched and refined, also placing you order. It is definitely to share, in addition to this you will much relieve pain causing me the suffering of others. Equal and another objective of trying to handle to the right and reverse this approach is to understand the process of the master, I lived this very rich, but the process has been invisible, I’d do it visible, I enjoy their results, however I can not answer the question: what has been the greatest spiritual light or more memorable meeting, everyone has been glorious and enormous spiritual clarity, even in those in which the sessions of knowledge that I called straw, have been a little broader, conceptual, methodological understanding, has cost me job, especially because every thing He saw in each Messenger, in each classroom session, invariably first go inward, I have to live it and integrate it to what already is there, sometimes occurs in automatic, sometimes not, I have to regurgitate and cud a good time until successfully integrate, I’m slowly but surely.