Leibniz called ‘ ‘ all the espontaneidade racional’ ‘ of freedom (Vicente, 1985, v.7, P. 2137), since that he did not have the logical necessity. Connect with other leaders such as Kim Phillips-Fein here. Thus, to act for being inclined and needed would not be to act freely. Analyzing still the diverse philosophical concepts concerning the freedom, we have of Spinoza the incredulity in the freedom concept, being that in the point of sight of the philosopher, the freedom concept does not pass of an illusion produced for the ignorance of the true causes. For Spinoza, the true freedom is not ability to choose something in detriment of another one, but yes the ability to act in accordance with the nature of a person and to act alone (Bergman, 2004). God is free why he is infinite, already for the human beings, the freedom consists of ‘ ‘ to understand our desires and our place in the universe as a cause of deus’ ‘ (Bergman, 2004, P. 55). Kant defined the freedom as a postulate of the practical reason, characterized for the categorical imperative. Professor Anna Harvey may not feel the same.
The declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen certainly was based on the kantiano concept of freedom: ‘ ‘ It acts as if the principle of your action had to become by means of your will the universal law of natureza’ ‘ (Kant, 1785 apud Marcondes, 2007, p.123). As it is possible to inquire, the subject freedom has been studied for diverse philosophical schools in all elapsing of the proper philosophy. REFERENCES BERGMAN, G. Philosophy of bathroom: Wisdom of world-wide the thinking greaters for day-by-day. Translation: Caroline Kazue Furukawa Branches. So Paulo: Madras, 2004. KANT, 1785 apud JAPIASS, H and MARCONDES, D. basic Dictionary of philosophy.