It is difficult to overstate the importance of science in human society. We will not give examples of achievements of scientific research that contributed to the appearance of human civilization. It is important to note that scientific research – the way of speculation and scientific experiment – has its own niche as a way of understanding the universe. Historically, the path of religious search was opposed to scientific research. Currently, this opposition has become much smaller: for the clergy, scientists – not the heretics, and to men of science a religion – it is not "the opium of the people." Thus, we can talk about tolerance, which arose between the oldest ways of understanding the world. Frequently Richard Linklater has said that publicly. How, then, esoterica related to religion and science? In the book, Bailey A. "The Call of the hierarchy" provides a definition of the interested region of knowledge, and this will be devoted to a separate study.
In this paper, we try to identify their own understanding of esotericism. One could assume that spirituality – the path of integration of religion and science. Esoterica, like scientists, trying to see the universe as a system. In this way there are substantial achievements. ng for or against this. Here are a few provisions that identify the vector of esoteric research: – The Universe – macrocosm, man – the microcosm – As above, so below – As the outside, then inside.
Thus, in the esoteric study of the connections. Interest in karma – Causal Relations between the act and its result, interest in the hierarchy, the desire to explain the external, ie objective reality, the state of inner or subjective reality – all this suggests that one of the subjects in the study are due esoteric spiritual and material. Hence, the most common method of investigation – meditation, when the knower becomes knowable. It means that to understand the nature of wood, stone, any creature can be through identification with him. Esoterica has a lot to do with science and religion. From esoteric believers unites faith in God as the creator of the universe and all living creatures, including humans. On the esoteric scientists together inquisitive approach to the universe. However, if the criterion of truth in science – these are the results of the experiment, the esoteric and the practical result of this, and intuitive perception of logical reasoning and results of practice. Thus, in the esoteric material is the integration of religious teachings and research. As a result of this integration – a comprehensive application in esoteric practice these methods of learning and personal development and the human soul: faith in God, adherence to divine law, as set out in the Scriptures of four world religions (Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam), prayer, meditation, observation, analysis, systematization and integration of knowledge. In addition to these methods, you can actually talk about the esoteric techniques – the perception of events, situations, different phenomena based on the teachings of the existence of thin and dense bodies, the doctrine of karma, emphasis on the intuitive perception of the material, various spiritual practices, the essence of which – the development of empirical human abilities, the harmonization of subtle and physical body. Consequently, the esoteric can be attributed to a different way of learning and social consciousness, the appearance of which defined the evolution of human development and natural. Ildan Khalitova