International reach to be known a poem by Caupolican Ovalles: sleeps you, Mr President, that even cost him exile. In narrative, are known works of Argenis Rodriguez and the expreienciales of Labana lamb stories. Without hesitation Stem fieldds explained all about the problem. With one greater degree of aesthetic value and showing a degree of also greater than critical pugnacity, read works as SN and taking was called my bathed Lance of silver, Jose Vicente Abreu. The same Stories of the street Lincoln, Carlos Noguera and, subsequently, inventing the days, by the same author. But a natural estetico-ideologico wear also occurs with the military defeat of the Venezuelan guerrillas and narrative poetic discourse began to retreat towards topics that have not only had a diachronic persistence in our culture, but are integrated to a topological space, such as aesthetic operation, starting from the same beginnings of literary history. (Perez Huggins, 1991: 93). In this way, the literary discourse, as trying to adapt to a new situation, becomes intimate, historicist, slightly esoteric, etc.
as social politician trying to evade the alienation imposed by the new circumstances. In other words, starts a general crisis which has its respective manifestations in literary creation. For this reason, he returned to themes that had been overtaken by the inevitable March of time. Old patterns are reformulated and appear certain trends, such as those listed below. (a) emergence of a cryptic, intimate, excessively individualistic poetry that tiede to search for ancestors, the stately houses with their respective contextual expressions. Land, Rafael Arraiz Luca, could be an example.
(b) demonstration of a language game that wants to be autonomous, sometimes with excessive use of alliteration, onomatopoeia, elisions can(not), etc. Some patterns are in a text files with Teresas, to the suit, trejo, troje, truje, Metastasis of the verb, Oswaldo Trejo; Evictos, unbeaten, convicts, of Lourdes Sifontes. (c) how, generally, the fabulada story does not hurt or mess with anybody, also appears a historicist narration.