
What Freud wanted to say is that the minimum possibility does not exist to live collectively without each individual learns feelings as solidarity, fraternity and cooperation. these feelings really if learns, according to it, therefore they are not proper of the human being, as it was evident in the events of horda primitive. As they are resulted of learning, they need to be taught, for the family and the school. It shows that the education is possible therefore exists in the proper individual, in the interior of its psychic device, trends that demand the educabilidade. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Campbell Soup Co. Sample that the moral and the intellect are in embryo in the structure of the psychic device. The sociability becomes possible the socialization and this is real because the individual, in finishes instance, has an interest, changes an infinite, but precarious freedom, for regrada, but real, guaranteed freedom. Without a doubt, this freudiana conception of education is rich and necessary. It demand, however, an analysis drawn out until its finishes consequncias, therefore in another way she could seem insufficient.

To educate would consist, thus, in inculcar the moral rules and the knowledge that allow it to pursue, stops beyond the succession of the generations, the requirements that impose its structures. Conclusion. The subject presented in this work, although to be very interesting, not and easy of being studied, therefore we try to analyze the peculiarities between the relation of the Psychoanalysis and the Education, in this we open an immense field of probability therefore we place in focus a relation between theories, constituted of conscientious contents and unconscious. As future professors we must know that until we can organize ours to know, but have the obligation in knowing that we do not have the control on the effect that ours to know produce in our pupils. Because the pupil never keeps everything that the professor teaches, it only keeps what it interests it the remaining portion plays outside.