Pinera in Aysen and conflict dams: leaders qualify of disrespect committed breach of meeting with President advanced presidential appointment between movement that opposes dams and the President, but did not meet / paradox is that not only not be could happen last night a short interview between five leaders and Sebastian Pinera, but that even one of the guests was arrested alongside the regional fiscal employees and five others President… It was a lack of respect, which was reaffirmed with the sayings of Senator Horvath and after Mr Pablo Galilea, who said that everything had been instigated by some opposition political sectors. They are the words of Victor Formantel who, in representing organizations of Cochrane and Bahia Murta and together with leaders of collective autonomous by Patagonia (Camila Santelices), service peace and justice (Cristian Azocar), the heirs grouping of Patagonia (Rosa Sandoval) and national group young Tehuelches (Sergio Diaz), last night met briefly with President Sebastian Pinera, in order to deliver him a letter raising various issues that are of concern to organizations members of the citizen movement that opposes dams in the Region of Aysen. Committed it at least that Hugo Munoz, Member of the presidential advanced, who specifically came up to where the leaders minutes before the President leading in Coyhaique film an awards ceremony for domain titles were assembled. But all came to nothing. A leading source for info: Nike Sneakers.
The five leaders vainly waited on the outskirts of the campus while about 200 people, mainly from the National Association of fiscal employees (Anef) and women unions, expressed their demands in the streets and demonstrating their unease by have not been considered to meet with Pinera. Next to them, members of the opposition to the dams citizen movement carrying canvases alluding to flaws in the assessment processes and the technical shortcomings of HidroAysen studies and Southern energy.