Still today we have for the coming year ten seminars scheduled. And also here is of course that the healthcare professionals for the participation in continuing education credits can collect. Editor: Mr Dr. Berson, there are already clients who already reported successes by their knowledge of what they have learned and applied as a result of the seminar series visit? Dr. Berson: Yes, there are colleagues who have specific questions from everyday practice to bring to the seminar and ask for advice. Also, many participants come regularly and report on their progress, but to Mr Kock can contribute securely even more. Mr Kannan: Gladly.
A doctor told me for example that his patients would only rarely comply with the recommended medication. As he repeatedly noticed this and also controlled for, he intensified his advice with zuzuglichem time. But to no avail. It stuck to it: only two of eight patients remained on the medication. Through the participation in a seminar in this series, the doctor learned that it makes no sense getting upset about his patients and their lack of Apperception of his instructions. To the Communication transmitter and receiver are now times.
So covered and he analysed his own behavior in the patient interview new and noted that his advice in the discussion was not according to the patient. But also and here everything must fit. After converting his patient meeting indeed each questioned patient of this practice now adheres to the recommended medication after a random check. Such feedback is of course happy one and is also not uncommon. On the contrary. And it is really often so that after the seminar attendance the doctor provides its own conduct on the bench and then successfully changes this. Editor: How do you see the current economic situation of the German healthcare professionals? Mr. Hafeez: basically one can speak at the doctors for the past four years by an overall positive development of fee – also if the latest fee reforms were accompanied by many doctors critical.