For patients with type 2 diabetes should be aware that their current treatment is working closely medicated and non-drug methods. That is why, each section of the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes should be given maximum attention. Gerald Weissmann, MD is open to suggestions. Drug-free treatment for type 2 diabetes can without taking drugs to minimize the high levels of glucose and increase its utilization in body cells. The main directions of the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes without drugs is a rational diet therapy, treatment dose of exercise and psychotherapy, or psycho-correction the patient with the disease. When compliance with these recommendations the patient is usually much better starts to feel, and is configured for continuous maintenance of a positive result. This approach makes the drug therapy type 2 diabetes in a way that reinforces the result and reduces glucose to normal figures. Such patients are not only able to live a full life, but usually do not have the complications of type 2 diabetes. This impact on personal and professional lives of patients, making them the most adaptable in the community and to his condition. In foreign approaches an important role giving rational psychotherapy 2 diabetes type. A good option is considered, and family therapy, which allows relatives of patients to adequately assess his condition, and their mutual understanding to support the patient in a cheerful mood. This integrated approach of the modern treatment of type 2 diabetes makes this disease a controlled and reduces most negative consequences.