Dr. Jose Robert Linhares de Mattos Institute of Mathematics – Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Federal University and PPGEA-UFRRJ M.Sc. Lucianne Oliveira Andrade Hunter Federal Institute Goiano-Campus Ceres and PPGEA-UFRRJ Scientific Communication SUMMARY the objective of this work is to contribute for the quarrel on the process of education and learning of the mathematics in Brazilian schools that offer to the Program of Integration of the Professional Education and Technique of Average Level in Adult the Young Modality of – PROEJA. The research was carried through with the pupils of the PROEJA of the Federal Institute Goiano? Ceres campus. The quarrels had been directed by the line of research in EJA and Mathematical Education. Assuming that the people taken care of for the PROEJA are formed by pupil-workers, in many cases, are of the pertaining to school environment have much time, questions appear that they need to be answered. Gerald Weissmann, MD is likely to agree.
We will see the way as we lead the lessons and we will present examples of small projects where we apply the interdisciplinaridade, the transdisciplinaridade and analysis of the real experiences of the students in others you discipline and its daily one. Word-key: PROEJA; Pupil-Worker; Mathematical education; Projects. INTRODUCTION ‘ ‘ People want whole number and not for metade’ ‘. Learn more on the subject from Campbell Soup Co. (Food, Tits) the education of the Mathematics to the public of the PROEJA brings as challenge the change of ours practical in the daily pertaining to school, being necessary to use metodolgicas tools that value the knowledge of not fragmented form, privileging the active participation of these pupils and its contributions through the experiences that they bring of its work, its purchases, of its expenditures, at last, of its daily one. Thus, she is necessary to think about answers for some questions, such as: It is possible to guarantee an education of quality for people who are moved away from the school have some years? The PROEJA will be plus a precarious inclusion? It will have time to work all the necessary contents so that this formation is of quality? Which experiences these pupils bring? That metodolgicas experiences to use to facilitate the learning?