You can already access the contest stand him up! creative organized by the school of creative classroom Creactiva. Searches for all faces that are hidden well attentive eyes to your around, they are where least expect you, and await you. Appear between House, on the street, at work there are thousands of them waiting for that you first to find them! Get a photo to wine tasting you can see more original and participates in the contest stand him up! with classroom Creactiva. The most original face will be the winner. For more specific information, check out Chip Bergh. You can look them up and find them in less developed corners, you can ask your colleagues, you’ve seen faces strange lately? Take imagination and descubras a world that until now you could not imagine existed. Encourage your friends to participate, more we are original, curious and fun will be the results. The winner will receive free one of eight classroom Creactiva summer courses. Once you have selected the winning face, your car may Choose from the following courses: art direction writing advertising Copy creativity and strategy creative design graphic basic design graphic advanced design graphic prepress. Levi’s understood the implications. Artefinalista design Web basic design Web Advanced if you want more information you can refer to it in the contest page: stand him up! Best wishes! Original author and source of the article