Catholic College

Another one aggravation is that, prisoner in the surrounded ones, each time lesser, the cattle started to provoke a very bigger pressure on avegetao, therefore, as any living creature that if preze, the bovines, knows asplantas palatveis, that had exhaustingly passed to be consumed, of formaque the youngest plants oldest had been morrendoe had not had more time to bear fruit, culminating eats long list of extinct species or in process of extinguishing that we know. bom to remember that this pressure costuma significantly to increase in the years deseca, when it has reduction in the biological production of the plants, in contraposition damanuteno of the number of to be fed animals. Since the arrival they dohomem white, with its flock, in ground seridoense, the produced fruits porcardeiros, xiquexiques, palmatrias, crown-of-frade, was saboreados for the native animals eoutros animals introduced for the man, sustainable umaalternativa the exploration of these resources, time that ' ' mantoprotetor' ' of thorns, it protected them of bigger aggressions, keeping them entire esobretudo, as alternative of food in the dry years, since this famliade plants does not need much water to remain itself and to reproduce. Nestascondies, in the first decades of the passed century, the cactis printed verdejante umapaisagem in the region, stealing the sena in caatinga dry. However, opovoseridoense, capable figure of tirar' ' milk of pedra' ' , as it is known, to the measure that started to become scarce comidapara the flock, especially in the dry years, it started to use the cactis, taking them it the fire to eliminate osespinhos, many times, setting fire fire in ' ' moitas' ' , as feet of xiquexique were known osenormes, eliminating great small twigs e, taking off achance of recovery for posterior exploration.

Finally, passed a century, the use excessivodesse forrageiro resource, using practical unsustainable, led to the seudesaparecimento in the majority of the country properties, making it difficult still more cattle aatividade e, certainly, deducting to the populations from animals nativosque used its fruits as food. At the beginning of the century that if it initiates, institutions that investemno development of the region, companies of research, try, all the cost, substituioda bovinocultura for the caprinocultura, on the excuse of viabilidadeeconmica greater of this activity. I am deagricultor son, work the land more than the three decades, therefore, I know of pertoa importance of the natural resources (firewood, props, moures, animals of hunting), in the economy of the familiar agriculturist and see with concern this euphoria therefore obode, as costuma to speak technician in the subject and the producers with seusconhecimentos acquired with the practical one, ' ' bode eats tudo' '. I understand that, in case that they are not observed the capacity desuporte of caatinga (as it has happened throughout centuries), knock-out finalao that it remains of the base of natural resources of this region mining of the options desobrevivncia for the generations that still will come, they will be launched. that, certainly, the goat ones will eliminate, in few decades what it remained of vegetaorala, sobrando little what to make in a region without life, possibly with cold noitesmais and still more hot days. a different desert of what naturezacostuma to make for denying the life, the time to adapt itself.

Josimar Arajo de Medeiros. Gegrafo (UFRN-1993); Specialist in Bioecologia (UFRN-1997); Master in Engenharia Sanitria (UFRN-2004). Professor of the Course of Tourism of the College SantTerezinha Catholic (Caic-RN) and of the Course of Specialization in Geografia and GestoAmbiental of the FIPE. Author of the book: Barrages Underground: base of sustentaodo seridoense agricultural man. jossiimar@