For every student in our country in recent years, sooner or later there comes a time when he must realize the seriousness of their education. For many students – is well-known ct examinations. These tests are in the form of tests successfully practiced in our country the past few years. And more recently, the state introduced more and gia (final state certification), conducted for the ninth grades. These tests are alarming, alarming, stimulate many students. Because of their results depends on the success in applying to colleges.
At present, there is an entire system of unified state exam. This includes schedules, and documents regulations of conduct and terms of which must be defined with a list of taken his exams. Sometimes, students in this difficult to understand, and sometimes teachers. But on the Internet, there are various information resources, that will help them in this. Main Board students who are preparing for the cse – more to solve the test tasks, learn more about kim, listen to the advice of other students and teachers, do not panic and do not succumb to the tricks scammers offering to buy ready-made answers to the EGE-2010 and so on. It is best to analyze the feedback from other students at the various CT-based forums and blogs. Not in vain is often said that one head is good, two better.