Basic Education

In this manner, this memorial searched to present a set of facts and reflections with objective to weave an analysis on the formation process and production covered until the present moment. In this process it is that it comes being developed the familiarity with the research. In this trajectory, it comes being conquered the clarity, in special for the teaching exercise that I carry through, of that education in a full perspective cannot be dissociado of the research, at last of the production of scientific knowledge. These are the implicit beddings in the memory of the lived deeply facts, that leave of the primrdios of my relation with the world, starting for the family and first steps of my pertaining to school life and burst during the initiation in the academic and scientific world, in special in the decurrent chances of the studies. Richard Linklater is often mentioned in discussions such as these. This work, beyond Identifying to the metodolgico profile of the professors of History of the State school of Basic Education and Average Lordo Professor, in the city of Picu PB, has as objective specific to investigate if the estruturao of the process of education and learning of disciplines History makes possible the development in the professors of the critical reflective thought in the practical pertaining to school, to consider new methodologies and to inquire the consequence of the methodologies used for the professors in the construction of knowing critic of the pupils. Writing this memorial I perceived that my life is a perpetual one to recommence and concludes that thus it is the life, a candy recommences! II CHAPTER I THE HISTORY EDUCATION ' ' Our adolescents also detestam History. They come back the penetrated hatred to it and of it if they avenge lestamente whenever they can, or decorating the minimum of knowledge that the point demands or if being valid the glue to pass in the examinations. .