This reality makes it difficult the development, due to qualification of the workers, is to know to read and to write. The subject in study involves much more that the representation of the language and the process of alfabetizao, that, traditionally, takes in consideration the relation between the used method and the state of maturity, or promptitude of the child (BLACKSMITH 1995). Here, David G. DeWalt expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The quarrel of the thematic ones involves the paper of the professor in the pedagogical management of the process of the acquisition of the written language of the child and in its alfabetizao, as well as the pedagogical conception on what it is education and what is learning. The motivacionais strategies, gifts in the work in classroom, propitiate the acquisition of knowledge for the pupils, in the measure where the professor organizes its action considering the phases of exposition of the contents, despertando the curiosity and the interest in learning of the pupils. Alonso Tapia and Fita (1999) defend that the pertaining to school interest does not depend on an only factor (personal, contextual), but of the dynamic interaction between the two characteristics, and that to know to motivate it implies in knowing as the pupils learn. The motivation for learning involves inserted strategies in the pedagogical management.
The pedagogical management is more than what planning, consisting in the elaboration and the management of the Project Pedagogical Politician of the institution. It also includes all practical administrative and the pedagogical ones, involving beliefs, studies, the resume. At last, all the actions that result in the central activity of the school. It involves the said lesson properly, but also the acquisition and the production of its knowledge for the pupils. Therefore, it is not an individual activity, but yes collective, that it demands dialogue and participation. It implies in attitude, comprometimento action. These requirements contribute so that the professors are in processes of reference and self-reference.